Rebuilding My Confidence After Divorce Using ATW

Naughty1RN By Naughty1RN 2770 views

Seller Sellers’ Perspective
Rebuilding My Confidence After Divorce Using ATW

I’ve always been a happy, confident person. Although I might not be as hot as I was in my 20s, my confidence actually grew with age. I became more comfortable in my own skin. I care less what others think and couldn’t give two shits about societal standards. I know things could be better, but they could ALWAYS be worse. I pride myself on trying to look on the bright side of things and I like being a positive person. It’s just who I am.

However, I was married for many years to an “Eeyore” personality. Y’all know the type, gloom and doom and always looking at the negative while ignoring all the good things right in front of their face. I lived with this for YEARS. After being with this kind of person for so long, I started to be negatively effected. I began feeling not good enough. How could I be if my spouse was so miserable all the time? 🤷‍♀️

Well now, let’s just pretend we all lived through years of that negative mind fuck and fast forward to 2020, the year of Covid-19 AND the year of my divorce. Definitely the lowest point in my life. I cried more tears and lost my shit more than I care to admit. My unhappy ex’s hatred and narcissism only escalated. But now, he began to take his unhappiness out on me and directed his insults AT me. I was told things like “if I kill myself, it’ll be all your fault.” “You are terrible in bed” (mind you all while having had a VERY active sex life for the duration of my marriage), “I’ve had much better”. “No one will ever love you like I did.” And even something as hurtful and personal as “you stink down there.”

I tried to remind myself miserable people like to make other people miserable because misery really does love company. But even with me telling myself he was just trying to get to me, in some senses, he succeeded. Even though deep down I didn’t believe his words, I still questioned myself. I questioned things I had never questioned before, my sexuality, my body, my worth. It was a terrible time for me. Self doubt brought on by verbal abuse is an invisible wound almost impossible to heal, but healing I am.

Thankfully, 2021 has been looking up. My high school BFF introduced me to my now boyfriend, that I teasingly refer to as my boy toy. He has been nothing short of amazing to me. Holding me up while I fell apart and reminding me I AM worthy of love. Maybe my ex was right, maybe no one WILL love me like he did, maybe they’ll love me BETTER! Boy toy sure didn’t have it easy though, it took a lot of convincing and reassuring on his part.

With my new beau’s encouragement and support, I joined ATW. I don’t think either of us knew how good it would be for me. Finding open-minded people in this incredibly supportive community has been life changing for me. My ex’s put downs of “you stink down there”, are gone, as my scent is now celebrated! I’ve been described as having the scent of an angel and MILFALICIOUS. My stinky feet, something I used to be self conscious of even in my most confident times, are now celebrated. Buyers can’t get enough of my potent, stinky socks and nylons and foot videos. But most importantly, I’ve met some amazing people, built some beautiful relationships, and discovered new kinks of my own. Not to mention, my confidence has skyrocketed. Lucky for him, boy toy is reaping the benefits. It’s true what they say, the best revenge is being happy.

So thank you ATW community for being an integral part of my healing process. Sellers and buyers alike are like our own little cheering section and all I have to do is log on to quieten those self-doubt moments back down.

So everybody, watch out, this boss bitch is making a comeback that will outshine the original. I can’t wait to continue being a part of this community and hope I can only pay it forward what I’ve been given. Keep being amazing loves.


By Naughty1RN


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