The Importance of Quality Control as a Panty Seller

1DeeAnna111 By 1DeeAnna111 6723 views

Seller Tips For Sellers
The Importance of Quality Control as a Panty Seller

Your favorite buyer has just made another purchase, and you're excited to start your wear. Everything is going along just like every purchase before and you go about your day. Hours later, you decide to inspect your work and there's a problem. This item is not up to your buyers' standards. What do you do?

Inspecting Your Work

Let's backtrack for a minute, as a seller - do you inspect your work? If yes, how often? This is a critical step in every seller's preparation of a listing and during a wear.

You owe your buyer and yourself as a business manager to only list and sell the highest quality merchandise. When creating a listing, be honest about the condition of your item, and update as needed if you're continuing to use the item while it awaits being sold.

Take photos of imperfections and include them in the listing with descriptions of the damages. Do not worry! A lot of buyers crave items with signs of age and wear, this may be a selling feature for you. Include words like "stained" and "torn" in your keywords to help these buyers find you.

Inspection during wear is also something that should be done often. You can waste an entire day thinking your item is progressing nicely. There are many things to look for in item quality including scent, imprints, staining or marking, fluid buildup, and other dirt or material accumulation. You know what your buyer is looking for, make sure that is happening as your wear goes on.

Back to our catastrophe. Your wear has gone all wrong and you're wondering what you should do. This is an expensive item, a pair of shoes, and the buyer has paid a lot of money for them to be worn for many days. During an inspection after two days, you noticed the odor is off from your normal scent. What happened? The material of the shoe has an exterior that is reacting to sweat in an unappealing way.

But, this situation could be anything - shark week arrived during a panty wear, batteries died during a custom toy video, or even an internet outage during a live session. What do you do?

You have the responsibility to inform your buyer. Give them options of a discount, refund, do over, or a new item. It will save your credibility, and retain the trust your buyer has in you as a seller. Do not just think they won't notice, fake it, or try to hide the issue. This could damage your relationship, generate a poor review and taint your image for future buyers.

Seller Integrity

I recently heard a story from a fairly new seller. They were telling me that they were booked for a week-long panty wear and was excited at the price the seller paid. As they were going on they mentioned they only wore the item for only one day, and took all the proof of wear photos during that time, so they could book a second panty wear overlapping. As the week when on, they sent the photos as if being current snapshots of the progression in panty condition. This is a major quality issue - seller integrity.

Sellers only have one chance to make a first impression with a buyer. Most buyers are not new to the game, and can tell when this type of thing happens. This not only sours a seller from purchasing from anyone again, but definitely against the one who cheated them. This jeopardizes a seller's review ratings and word of mouth reputation with everyone on ATW.

Lessons Learned as a New Seller

Having the highest quality in items. This means communication with your buyer with selling expectations laid out prior to a sale. Will there be proof of wear photos and what exactly will they show? How many and how often? What about updating messages? Does this include other kinds of messaging during the wear? What timeline of messaging can the buyer expect?

Will there be an update on packaging and shipping? What about a tracking number? These can me listed in your bio, but make sure you cover with every buyer to understand. Not all buyers read bios, and that is not their fault.

One last thing, and that is quality in yourself. Do not feel you need to adjust pricing because a buyer decides to haggle you. This is a buyer you probably do but want to do business with anyway.

Be Proud of Your work

This is your shop and you are the boss. At the end of the day, you need to be proud of yourself for the work you have done. If you are taking photos you do not feel comfortable with, please reconsider and only with work buyers who respect your limits.

Being desperate for sales can create a slippery slope of acting out of character for yourself and doing things you do not want to do.

Build your shop with the price points you deserve and only work with seller's who respect you. In the long run you will be happier and create better quality items. Happy selling!

By 1DeeAnna111


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