
NwI1977 US

3.7 (3)

Reviews 3 members

Showing 1-3 of 3 reviews

Deleted Review

Deleted User

2yrs ago

Great experience ! Great interaction ! Would definitely sell to over and over again ! Cum back any day !!

This has been a Negative experience from the start. I did exactly as specified from the customer and the Jock Strap was worn for 3 days. Mind you, this is Pending an unpaid $107 dollar order placed last week and ready to ship on the July 8th. (and you received the package 2 days ago, That’s why I keep tracking numbers Butch). Again, another reminder to MTW Sellers who have “Buyers” with “high expectations” but “will you hold it it for me” wallets and cannot pay. They feel the only way out of an agreed upon deal is to leave snarky and unnecessary review because they can’t pay as promised. Shame on you for wasting my time, along with the other dud who left a negative review (same scenario) who was just as bitchy, ungrateful and unnecessarily needy. I did exactly as you said and put aside a lot of inventory just for you in the meantime. Try and pull your antics with other MTW sellers who are less naive in how grifters and trolls like you work on sites like this. You give MTW buyers a bad name. Good luck in finding another Seller to accommodate your needs. Hopefully they will read my review and think 3 or 4 times about selling to the likes of you. Pathetic, cheap and a disgrace. You give your kind a bad name.

Buyers was easy to talk to and a great person to work with.

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