Panties Across the Nation: Why You Should Set Goals

LuckyDuckling Por LuckyDuckling 2532 visualizações

Seller Tips For Sellers
Panties Across the Nation: Why You Should Set Goals

Ever noticed how a lot of the promotions are tied to sellers meeting their goals?

Hey there, I'm Lucky and I'm here to tell you why.

Climactic Realization

First joining the All Things Worn community can easily be intimidating. You start off just looking for some extra cash, a quick buck, but then you have to figure out where to begin. The first thing we do is look at other sellers and their listings and then we put up our own versions and hope for a bite. Success here on ATW goes beyond that, however, and sellers will eventually need to decide what they truly desire of the platform.

Setting Yourself Up for Pleasure

First things first - focus on where your strengths lie. What better place to start than by making a list of what you really want to achieve? Take the blog title as an example: “Panties Across the Nation.” By making your end goal the nation (or even the world), you have inherently set up several achievable mini-goals at the same time.

It goes even further as you can group various states into different regions for more medium-sized goals, such as the coasts, all the northern states, or all the states that start with the letter “M.” Think as big as you want while brainstorming. Soon you’ll find there are small milestones you can reach along the way. Every steppingstone counts.

It’s good to have a variety of goals. Just wanting to make sales is not enough. Obviously, everyone wants to make sales. How you go about it is key. My published goals are all buyer related – focused on improving myself within this community. These are my view count, reviews, orders placed, and listings available goals. My private goals relate to me as a seller and as a person. These are what drive me to continue on ATW and help me sustain my brand. They tend to be related to how often I post on the dash, how many shoutouts I do for others, and keeping my content organized. If it weren’t for these mini-victories, I wouldn’t be able to reach my publicized achievements.

The Intimacy of Goals

You are the center a massive, interconnected web of buyers around the world through the items they have purchased from you. Your goals on ATW help you share a part of you that many would call intimate. That in of itself is a sacred thing. You are what ties all these buyers and places together. Your used panties, socks, digital content, experiences, and more all across the nation make you the epicenter of something that is all about you and only you. Keep that in mind as you form your goals and with them your identity on this platform.

Empower Your Brand

Goals empower you by strengthening your resolve through continuous achievements. Going back to the original example - you get one state, then another, then another, and suddenly you have the Pacific North-West knowing your scent. Make certain that the goals are achievable and quantifiable. In order to learn the alphabet, you started with A, B, C. Counting began with one, two, three. It’s as simple as Do, Re, Mi… And now that song is stuck in your head. The point is every achievement gets you closer to your desired completion.

This “portfolio” of achieved goals actually becomes more and more marketable. Where you once only sold the value of a picture, now you can sell the experience of working with you. You take part in discussions as a wizened veteran and now notice people listen. Who knows, you can even start writing blogs. Maybe those blogs will be read and praised, by buyers and sellers alike. No, I’m not looking for validation, you are! And it’s never too early to start on your journey. Keep in mind your goals should challenge you and push you towards victory.

Cumming to Completion

The completion of a goal is an orgasmic achievement. Your goals are landmarks on a map of your journey at ATW. Each one leads to the next as you wind your way up a proverbial mountain. At the end of every goal is a momentous occasion to celebrate and you don’t want to waste that moment. As you cum to completion on one goal, use it as momentum to leap forward into yet another sensual journey.

The dash is a great place to announce major achievements. Go get the validation you deserve! The journey doesn’t need to end when your initial goals have been met (or missed). You pick up a pen again and start all over with a list. The sky is the limit, and you are the one driving this rocket ship. Only you decide on the makeup of the atmosphere of your brand. Don’t stress, but don’t stop either.

Por LuckyDuckling

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