8 Followers - 4 Following - 5 Badges
Gender: Male
Age: 25-30
Ethnicity: Caucasian (White)
Body Size: Athletic / Toned
Shoe Size: US 11, UK 9, EU 42
Occupation: Blue Collar Worker
Joined: 4 months ago
Profile Visits: 1003
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Bank Transfer Revolut
Banana Candy Stick, tell me where to put it, video included Postage included...
8.50 GBP 110
Been down the side of my bed for weeks as my dirty little clean up sock, so crispy...
10.00 GBP 129
Added a new photo > Heading to the pleasuredrome in London on Sunday morning ! Join the fun London Boys
Added a new photo > My Saturday night plan is to bottom to this scaly lad, requests taken, and live stream. Message me
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