224 Followers - 6 Following - 11 Badges
Gender: Male
Age: 30-40
Ethnicity: Caucasian (White)
Body Size: Muscular
Shoe Size: US 16+, UK 14+, EU 47+
Occupation: Blue Collar Worker
Joined: 9 months ago
Profile Visits: 20890
Mens Underwear Mens Shoes Mens Socks Clothing
PayPal Bank Transfer
Customisable. Socks, underwear and clothing also available. My measurements for sizing, 6'6 127kg muscular, waist 36/38, shoes UK13...
49.00 GBP 623
Customisable. Socks, underwear and clothing also available. My measurements for sizing, 6'6 127kg muscular, waist 36/38, shoes UK13...
89.00 GBP 1131
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