


- US Stati Uniti ID Verificato

Messaggio Venditore Mancia
25-year-old Cuban guy. Straight and married. I am very horny and I am here too fulfill your fantasy please help me by buying my underwear.

Payments can be made through cash app or PayPal. Thank you for checking out my profile and my listings

Tips always appreciated ♥️
Cashapp- $J5tan68

Straight guy looking to help other guys explore their fantasies 🔥

🔹Compression shorts/pants
🔹 Jock straps
🔹Any other clothing

Vials 🧪
🔸 Any other requests

Pictures 📸
🔹Any personal pictures you want

Extras 💦
🔸 s**ting
🔹Voice messages
🔸Phone s**
🔹Live chat

I take requests so anything in particular just shoot me a message and let me know

Please follow me to keep up

Any fetish requests or bundle deals let’s talk! (:

🚫 No Refunds

Informazioni su Usedcuban

5 Follower  -  0 Seguiti  -  5 Badge

Genere: Maschio

Età: 21-25

Etnia: Latina/o

Misure del Corpo: Muscolosa/o

Numero di Scarpe: US 14, UK 12, EU 45

Occupazione: Studente

Iscritto: 8 mesi fa

Visite al Profilo: 2166

Cosa Offro

Intimo Maschile Calzini Da Uomo Abbigliamento Da Uomo Articoli Piccanti Da Uomo Contenuto Istantaneo

Metodi di Pagamento

PayPal Venmo CashApp Google Pay

Negozio 45 Inserzioni

Usedcuban US

My Wife's Underwear...

I wore my wife's panties and now I must sell them before she finds out...

15.00 USD 150

Usedcuban US

Easy Access...

Bend me over smell my a** take my underwear 🩲 home with you...

30.00 USD 300

Instant Content 7 Articoli







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